Everything in the universe is a pattern. Perception is everything. Everyone’s perception is utterly personal and constantly shifting.
Although the brain retains crystallised visual, audible and olfactory memory within its neural pathways - ie: sees / smells / hears and remembers it…. the born body retains emotional memory within every cell. The existence and memory of ones own lived experience, extends through the chakra energy centres of the spine and out into the auric field.
Giving off vibes.
The energy of intention, emotion and the instincts of social, sexual and survival all fire up as patterns when triggered within the molecular photon fields of the chakra points. They then invisibly reach out, locking or linking onto others creating energy bonds that lead to vocalisation or action to express relationship, response, connection and reactivity. And endless subtle subconscious connections.
I imagine these incredible energy systems as expressions of shape inspired and created by sacred geometry, female anatomy, biology, chemistry, diatoms, symbolism and organic growth structures. A LIVING MYCELIUM. ……
There is enormous scientific evidence regarding our biological and physical complexity. Hormones dictate the differences between the sexes from the outset. There are oestrogen receptors in every single cell of the female body. Women can have an abundant capacity for emotional recognition and memory. Good or Bad - They carry the memories of being fearful and controlled throughout the last 2000+ years of the Patriarchal System. Some women can find it difficult speaking their truth.
They (WOMEN) are in a universal DYSPHORIA - ‘a sense of unease & dissatisfaction’ Now - in 2022.
What concerns me in this field of practice is; truth, and what I am learning through my own conscious presence and intuition.
detail - ‘Expansion’